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About REDD+

REDD+ is a climate change mitigation solution developed by Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

REDD+ goes beyond simply deforestation and forest degradation and includes the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks.

The framework is commonly referred to as the Warsaw Framework for REDD+ (WFR) adopted at COP 19 in Warsaw, December 2013 and provides the complete methodological and financing guidance for the implementation of REDD+ activities. REDD+ is also recognized in Article 5 of the Paris Agreement.

REDD+ explainer brochure

Fact sheet

Key facts

During 2015–2020, the rate of deforestation was estimated at 10 million hectares per year

Currently 11% of all carbon emissions stem from deforestation – more than emissions from all means of transport combined.

Limiting climate change to well below 2C cannot be achieved without REDD+.

Halting deforestation and forest degradation can avoid emissions of more than 5 gigatons CO2e/year.

Forest conservation and restoration can provide more than one quarter of the emissions reductions needed in the next two decades.

Forests serve as a safety net for the rural poor, 1 in 5 people depend on them for subsistence and income generation