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Presentation - Fach UNDP - Risk based approach to readiness social standards

Mon, 26 Apr, 2010

UNDP on behalf of the UN-REDD Programme has developed a draft “do no harm “ approach to minimum social standards and an accompanying risk assessment tool. This rights-based approach seeks to guide and improve programme design, secure stakeholder support and thus increase programme sustainability. It is primarily based on the guidance provided by the safeguards section of the draft AWG-LCA text on REDD+ and has drawn on contributions of a number of efforts and initiatives, such as those of the FCPF and CCBA/CARE standards, policies and guidance in the UN system, conventions and treaties and many others. Three inter-related principles of 1) good governance 2) stakeholder livelihoods and 3) policy coherence each contain a set of criteria and questions to guide users through assessing potential risks and identifying risk mitigation strategies. This tool is expected to be used iteratively at first in the design and implementation of national UN-REDD programmes,  but seeks to be flexible enough to be potentially taken up by a diverse group of stakeholders and throughout different phases of REDD readiness and REDD mechanisms. The UN-REDD Programme is currently finalizing a zero draft of the social principles risk assessment tool and will initiate a formal process to gather feedback from REDD countries, partners and a broader range of stakeholders.

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