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PNG Presentation Side event Durban COP 17

Mon, 12 Dec, 2011

Towards a National Forest Monitoring System in PNG

At the COP 17 in Durban, PNG presented its current efforts in setting up a National Forest Monitoring System for REDD+. The first results were built in collaboration with INPE and UN-REDD/FAO. National government counterparts have followed two intensive trainings during the last months, a first one on the basics of the Brazilian monitoringsystem in CRA in Belem, Brazil, and a follow-up on this with practical work at FAO-HQ in Rome, Italy. The TerraAmazon platform has been adapted according to country needs and experience in order to manage satellite imagery and produce first statistics on historical deforestation and degradation in two pilot provinces in PNG. In parallel, a dissemination web-portal is being developed trough the support of UN-REDD/FAO. The PNG national forest monitoring web-portal will enable the country to follow all the actions related to the implementation of its national REDD+ policies and measures and to communicate its results to the international community.

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