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Agenda - preparation workshop for indicators' field testing

Thu, 18 Jul, 2013

The second indicator workshop took place in Lam Dong province (13-15 June) with participation of stakeholders from province to commune level. The output is a set of indicators and tools for data collection. The draft report is being finalized.

The immediate next step according to the plan is the carry out field testing of the indicator set and data collection tools. In order to ensure that the stakeholders are in agreement of what to do and who should be responsible for certain task, a workshop is to be organized one week before the field testing commence.


The overall objective of this workshop is to make necessary preparations for field-testing of indicators and data collection for PGA in Lam Dong province.

The expected workshop outputs are:

1.         Fine-tuning indicators set and field testing tools for data collection for key governance priority issues of Lam Dong province

2.         Agree on key data analytical tools and reporting format

3.         Division of labors for field testing period

4.         Choose commune/village for the field testing.

Invitees: Stakeholders who have participated in previous workshops in Lam Dong in April and June and stakeholders who were absent but have been involved in PGA so far.

Time: 1,5 day, 23-24 July 2013

Place: ?à L?t


The field testing:


•           To test the indicator set and data collection tools to see if it is relevant and effective

•           Lessons learnt before the next step.

Key actors: Stakeholders who have worked on indicator set and date collection tool with support from local NGO.


Time: 4 days, from 29 July to 1 August

Place: Lam Dong province, Lac Duong and Di Linh district


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