From: Lera Miles Sent: mercredi 19 juin 2013 18:26 Subject: SCG - report back from Oxford SIS meeting, 4-5 June Hi all Here’s a brief summary from Cordula. A workshop report from REDD+SES is forthcoming. - The point of departure for the meeting was the observation that several countries working with the REDD+ Social and Environmental Standards (REDD+ SES) have made good progress on identifying indicators to monitor their performance against the standards, and new questions arise as they now move towards developing methodologies and institutional arrangements for the practical implementation of a monitoring system (REDD+ SES language). The meeting focused on a stocktaking of experiences from different forest-related initiatives (with interesting presentations from WRI, CIFOR, the World Bank and others) and discussions on the potential relevance and suitability of various options related to data sources, sampling methods, institutional arrangements, review processes etc. in a REDD+ context. The workshop developed a draft set of recommendations for practitioners and policy-makers on various aspects of collecting, assessing and reviewing safeguards information. These will be presented at the REDD+ SES exchange and learning workshop in Indonesia (1-3 July) and finalized based on feedback from country participants at this workshop. While the recommendations are primarily aimed at countries using the REDD+ SES as a basis for their SIS, the organizers hope that they could be of interest to other countries as well. At the moment, the report from the Oxford workshop is still under review. Generally, the organizers seemed very positive about continuing to interact with UN-REDD, and the initial presentation by Joanna Durbin mentioned several UN-REDD tools as part of the resources available to countries in developing their SIS. Phil Franks from the REDD+ SES Secretariat expressed a particular interest to hear more about the work going on about the decision tree, and may follow up with UN-REDD colleagues on this. -- All the best Lera (in Jakarta this week)