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Latin America and the Caribbean


Facts and Figures

Country Area
406,752 km2
Forested Area (1000 ha)
Partner country
Support type
National Programme
Targeted support
Progress against the Warsaw Framework

National REDD+ Strategy/Action Plan (NS/AP): In 2016, The UN-REDD Programme supported the consolidation and finalization of the studies that had served as the basis for the first draft of the National Strategy on Forests for Sustainable Growth. Although prioritizing policies and measures has followed a technical approach, including some consultations, further discussions and dialogues are necessary in order to gain the political and social goodwill to permit its future endorsement and the conditions for its implementation.

National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS): In 2016, Paraguay consolidated its NFMS, the Sistema Nacional de Información Forestal (SNIF). The system includes three modules. First, a satellite land monitoring system (SLMS) which generated the first official data on forest cover and forest cover change in Paraguay. Paraguay was able to develop its first official forest cover and forest cover change maps for the periods from 2000 to 2005, 2005 to 2011, 2011 to 2013, and 2013 to 2015. Second, the national forest inventory (NFI) was completed with support of the National Programme. The NFI covered six forest strata, key carbon pools were measured and data was collected, processed and assessed. Third, Paraguay launched the Geoportal, which is a web-based platform that shows the information for modules 1 and 2 and makes this information accessible to the general public.

Forest Reference Emission Level / Forest Reference Level (FREL/FRL): In January 2016, Paraguay developed and submitted its deforestation FREL (national level). The FREL was built based on information generated at national level, including emission factors for key carbon pools (above and below ground biomass) collected from more than 328 plots, and allometric models developed for specific country forest strata. Forest area change was estimated by using Google Earth Engine, resulting in forest cover change maps. Two government institutions collaborated and coordinated to address and follow the UNFCCC technical assessment (TA) process that resulted in the TA report. In turn, Paraguay submitted a modified version of the proposed FREL towards the end of 2016.

Safeguard Information System (SIS): In 2016, Paraguay reviewed the national interpretation of the Cancun safeguards; assessed relevant policies, laws and regulations to help the country address safeguards; identified progress and potential needs for strengthening institutional capacities to respect safeguards; and identified key design elements and existing information systems relevant to the SIS.


In 2016, the CBR+ initiative selected and co-financed 13 projects in Paraguay from a total of 20 proposals received. These projects are currently under implementation and involve the following actions: i) dissemination of the first REDD+ national strategy draft; ii) awareness-raising concerning the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, climate change challenges and the national environmental legal framework; iii) recovering and re-valuing indigenous peoples’ traditional knowledge regarding the native forests’ cultural and spiritual values; iv) developing forest restoration and soil conservation practices, agroforestry systems, agroecology and forest community/family nurseries.

Challenges and solutions

Implementing the National Programme in Paraguay presented some challenges. Despite the positive side of engaging three national entities, reaching an agreement was challenging. The key to mitigating this hurdle was promoting constant dialogue and unlocking technical issues at a political level. The constant rotation of focal points within the national counterpart also caused delays. Dedicated time from the UN agencies maintained the process and accelerated it when stability was reached. Most of the challenges outlined in the previous report relating to the NFMS and FREL were addressed in 2016 due to the willingness of the Environment Secretary and the National Forestry Institute (INFONA) to coordinate and collaborate. The creation of the Forest Monitoring Directorate at INFONA allowed for the systematization of data generated in the process, including forest cover change maps, and national forest inventory data, which allowed Paraguay to comply with the UNFCCC reporting terms (Biennial Update Report, National Communications, and Nationally Determined Contributions).

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Focal points

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