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Latin America and the Caribbean


Facts and Figures

Country Area
214,969 km2
Forested Area (1000 ha)
Partner country
Progress against the Warsaw Framework

Forest Reference Emission Level / Forest Reference Level (FREL/FRL): The UN-REDD Programme carried out remote advisory services and one mission to provide technical support and general guidance on ensuring consistency among different reporting mechanisms: second FREL/FRL, BUR including REDD Technical Annex, and the nationally determined contribution.

Safeguard Information System (SIS): The UN-REDD Programme contributed to Guyana’s progress towards addressing and respecting the Cancun safeguards, namely related to compliance with international law, good governance, respect for indigenous peoples’ rights and full and effective participation. According to newly adopted guidelines, the Amerindian Land Titling Project will work with indigenous peoples and other stakeholder to fulfill Guyana’s duties and obligations to recognize and title indigenous peoples’ lands in a participatory and transparent process, especially during the investigative phase. This will be carried out in accordance with the norms, values and customs of the Amerindian peoples themselves, and with the free and informed consent of the Amerindian communities and villages prior to undertaking key activities and decision-making expressly identified in the guidelines.

REDD+ Implementation

The UN-REDD Programme supported Guyana to build a business case for the forestry sector in its Green State Development Strategy (GSDS). A draft document was developed to identify opportunities and challenges for the forestry sector in the GSDS.  The general objectives of structurally transforming Guyana into a green and inclusive economy are: i) Recognizing the economic value of the forestry sectors; ii) institutionalizing measures to ensure environmental sustainability in operations; iii) creating an enabling business environment for new economic growth from a more diverse set of inclusive, green and high-value processes; and iv) promoting participation, inclusiveness and social cohesion for a peaceful and resilient society.  The National Forest Policy Statement (NFPS) and the National Forest Plan (NFP) have been revised during 2017 as required by the GSDS. 

Assistance from the UN-REDD Programme has also increased the capacity of the Guyana Forestry Commission (the institution responsible for generating the data for the FREL/ LULUCF GHG-I, the REDD technical annex and the NDC (LULUCF sector) to ensure the consistency among the different report schemes (mentioned above). The UN-REDD Programme provided technical assistance (one in-country mission) and remote assistance through the System for Earth Observation Data Access, Processing and Analysis for Land Monitoring (SEPAL).

Challenges and solutions

Although the 2017 NFPS and NFP were tailored to meet the vision of the GSDS, there are still barriers that hamper the shift towards an inclusive, structural transformation of the economy. These include: low perceived value of ecosystem services; low value-added of forestry products; lack of alignment between the different avenues of action of the GSDS with indigenous values; lack of incentives for restoration of degraded lands, which is important in the case of the mining sector; and lack of Government capacity and coordination among sectors.

The application of the guidelines to improve implementation of Guyana’s Amerindian Land Titling Project will require increased education and capacity-building among all stakeholders, equitable distribution of resources among relevant State institutions, review and update of titling practices and engagements across Government commissions and ministries, additional human resources and expertise throughout the Government, and the urgent establishment of the grievance office created by the guidelines.

Gender and social inclusion

The development of the GSDS was characterized by a wide consultation process, including indigenous peoples and civil society. The Amerindian Land Titling Project is in alignment with international law, standards and best practice, and if implemented will ensure respect for indigenous peoples’ rights in the context of the project.


Guyana’s REDD+ preparation is being carried out in collaboration with the FCPF and Inter-American Development Bank. The management of Guyana’s forest resources along a green development pathway, as outlined in the GSDS Framework document, is synergistic to the national REDD+ programme and the EU FLEGT Project.


Focal points

Country document