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Latin America and the Caribbean


Facts and Figures

Country Area
108,889 km2
Forested Area (1000 ha)
Partner country
Support type
Targeted support
Support to country needs assessment (CNA)
Progress against the Warsaw Framework

National REDD+ Strategy/Action Plan (NS/AP): Early in 2016, the capacity needs assessment was validated with UN-REDD Programme support during the mid-term FCPF stakeholder workshop. A roadmap was also developed outlining the next actions to be completed with the available resources of several cooperation agencies. The country advanced with the governance mechanism for the national development strategy, the REDD+ policy integration analysis, and the national consultation for REDD+ implementation actions. Complementary support has been provided for the preparation of the Forest Investment Programme and to facilitate interinstitutional discussions.

Forest Reference Emission Level / Forest Reference Level (FREL/FRL): The UN-REDD Programme supported south-south capacity building on forest monitoring under EMSA, at which experiences were shared among regional experts on National Forest Inventory data analysis for emission factor calculations, 2016 Annual Report of the UN-REDD Programme Fund 38 Country Results forest degradation measurements and uncertainty calculations based on historical activity data.

National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS): The government is developing its plan for the National REDD+ Information System, funded by FCPF. Under the plan, the UN-REDD Programme provides complementary support to strengthen the measurement, reporting and verification process, including improved methodologies for robust data collection from the national forest inventory and assuring better integration with the remote sensing analysis. It is expected that the government will recommence field data collection in the second cycle of the inventory. The UN-REDD Programme is supporting the institutionalization of the field data collection, which will lead to a reliable and sustainable national forest monitoring system.

Safeguard Information System (SIS): The country needs assessment results stress the need to improve knowledge and awareness-raising on safeguards, particularly among local communities. Ongoing support has been provided to develop a conceptual framework and action plan on community-based forest monitoring, which will allow improvements to be made to the safeguards data collection process.

Challenges and solutions

While Guatemala is acquiring experience on FREL/FRL development under the REDD+ areas of deforestation, degradation and carbon stock enhancement, current information has been insufficient to provide robust calculations of emissions and removals. Even though the country will finalize its FREL/FRL, technical assistance will be needed to improve the collection of field data in order to better support the remote sensing analysis and further updating of the FREL/FRL, as guided by the Warsaw Framework for REDD+.

Focal points