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Solomon Islands

Facts and Figures

Country Area
28,896 km2
Forested Area (1000 ha)
Partner country
Support type
National Programme
Targeted support

In 2017, the UN-REDD Programme began its activities in the Solomon Islands to establish a National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) and Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL). The Programme supported survey design and capacity-building for the use of Collect Earth (a point sampling tool) for a national forest and land use change assessment (2000- 2016) in the archipelago.  A participatory process, which involved Government forestry officers, was used to ensure the consideration of social and environmental circumstances in Solomon Islands.  The design of National Forest Inventory and FRL was discussed at the workshop based on the outcomes of the initial assessment. Detailed assessments with the Collect Earth tool are ongoing and expected to be completed in early 2018. They will be used for establishment of FREL. Despite very limited resources available to support the country, the Solomon Islands made significant progress on the establishment of NFMS and FRL. These activities have formed a solid foundation for additional support provided by FAO and funded by GEF in 2018 for the “Integrated Forest Management in the Solomon Islands” project.

(Update Annual Report 2017)


Focal points