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Facts and Figures

Country Area
796,095 km2
Forested Area (1000 ha)
Partner country
Support type
Targeted support
Support to country needs assessment (CNA)
Progress against the Warsaw Framework

Initial targeted support was provided to the preparation of the R-PP, completed in December 2013. Follow up support has assisted Pakistan with the development of a NFMS Action Plan and capacity development activities under the plan, preparedness for REDD+ through increased knowledge and capacity related to the legal and institutional framework at the national and provincial levels (legal preparedness).

National REDD+ Strategy/Action Plan
In 2015, a draft report on institutional, policy, legislative and legal context for REDD+ in Pakistan was drafted and submitted to the Office of the Inspector General of Forests (OIGF).

National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS)
In 2015, trainings have led to increased capacity on Greenhouse Gas Inventory and National Forest Inventory. The NFMS Action Plan was also finalized and validated by multi-stakeholder national workshop, and endorsed by OIGF.

Focal points