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Facts and Figures

Country Area
118,484 km2
Forested Area (1000 ha)
Partner country
Support type
Targeted support
Progress against the Warsaw Framework

To bring together results of work in 2015 and 2016, Malawi hosted a national REDD+ conference with the aim of reviewing actions on the REDD+ Action Plan and to present the REDD+ Strategy Development Roadmap. It brought together approximately 70 participants. The roadmap draws on previously developed deliverables: an NFMS roadmap, an institutional context analysis, a stakeholder engagement and participation strategy and a corruption risk assessment. With UN-REDD Programme support, the results of work for a review of the legal and policy environment and a tenure analysis were presented to stakeholders and approved by the Forest Department for publication prior to the event.

Challenges and solutions

With the reduction in the UN-REDD Programme’s assistance to Malawi, other donors have stepped in to support components of the country’s REDD+ strategy and allow for some continuity. Notably, the USAID-funded PERFORM Project includes a component on REDD+ forest monitoring and governance and, thanks to effective collaboration and information sharing, is following up on some of the recommendations developed with UN-REDD Programme support.

Country document
Country document

Focal points

Country document
Country document