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Making good on the Glasgow Climate Pact: a call to action to achieve one gigaton of emissions reductions from forests by 2025


Date: Friday, November 11 , 2022


Time: 3:00 – 4:00PM, GMT +2


Location: Nature Zone Pavilion 


Watch the live session here

Event description


It is critical to mobilize funding to achieve the goal of a one gigaton of emissions reductions from forests by 2025. Panelists will

(i) address the importance of adopting a mid-term milestone towards the Glasgow Pledge;

(ii) provide an overview of the gap towards achieving the gigaton milestone; and

(iii) propose changes in policies/incentives to achieve that milestone. 


1. Establish a one gigaton milestone as reference point for the Forest and Climate Leaders’ Partnership (FCLP) and similar efforts to halting and reversing deforestation by 2320, such as Turning the Tide on Deforestation.  

2. Advocate for a forest carbon floor price of at least USD 30-50. 

3. Scale up forest action and financing to halt and reverse deforestation by 2030 and make achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement possible. 


Key Messages

  1. We are in an existential crisis – but forests can deliver for people and planet. Integrating the role of forests to meet the ambitions of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, and pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C, is absolutely essential. 

  1. Not enough is being done to reduce deforestation and forest degradation. Despite widespread recognition that we need forests to fend off the worst of climate change, financing for forest-based solutions, such as REDD+, has been insufficient and unreliable.  

  2. The Green Gigaton Challenge sets a milestone of mobilizing funds to pay for the equivalent of one gigaton of high-quality emissions reductions from forests between 2020-2025, and yearly thereafter. This provides a much-needed mid-term milestone to assess progress toward meeting the multiple objectives for forests and climate by 2030 and beyond. 

  3. We are not on track to meet the milestone. Although more than half the time has passed to meet the gigaton milestone, only 24% of the necessary commitments for emissions reductions have been made. 

  4. It is imperative that countries have straightforward access to adequate finance. In order to realize the full mitigation potential of forests, it will be necessary to focus on incentives (sufficient forest carbon price and certainty about future payments), investment (to generate results) and integrity (of emissions reductions results). 

  5. A strong public sector demand for emissions reductions from forests at a higher carbon price would incentivize the transformation of forest finance. A bold step like committing to a floor price of USD 30-50 per ton for a substantial volume of emissions reductions would empower forest countries to transform their economies. 

  6. Upfront finance for REDD+: investment is needed now more than ever. Investment in REDD+ readiness and implementation must continue at scale, to ensure capacity and action to achieve emissions reductions results 

  7. Quality and integrity are key to ensuring real, robust emissions reductions to achieve the gigaton milestone by 2025, and the full contribution of forests to global climate goals by 2030. 

  8. There is no progress without equity. It is vital that actions and finance for forests and climate include effective and equitable participation and benefits sharing, in line with relevant safeguards. This should include direct access to funding at sufficient volumes for Indigenous Peoples and local communities, as well as for women. 



  • Alue Dohong, Vice Minister, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia 
  • Maggie Charnley, Head of International Forests Unit, BEIS, UK
  • Eve Bazaiba, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Environment, DRC
  • Marina Silva, Former Minister of Environment, Brazil 
  • Susan Gardner, Director, Ecosystems Division, UNEP  
  • Lola Cabnal, Director of Environmental Advocacy, Ak'Tenamit 
  • Dirk Nemitz, Team leader AFOLU, UNFCCC 



Nature Zone Pavilion, a place for nature and climate within the Blue Zone, at COP27. International coalitions Nature4Climate (N4C), the Global Commons Alliance and the UNFCCC Climate Champions are co-convenors of the collaboration, bringing together more than 80 organisations aligned in the common goal of helping countries deliver a net zero, nature positive, equitable future for all.  An extensive Nature Zone events programme will showcase the importance of putting nature at the heart of the climate conversation. A key highlight of the Nature Zone pavilion is Nature’s Newsroom, a broadcast studio and editing suite.  

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