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REDD+ highlighted at COP23

Blog | Fri, 03 Nov, 2017 · 12 min read
REDD+ highlighted at COP23

With international opinion being influenced by the wide-spread impact of climate change, there is a greater need felt now among countries to find ways to fight global warming. US-based researchers say that forests that are properly cared for can take the world at least a quarter of the way to reaching the UN’s ambitious target of limiting the average global temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. While the spotlight is now falling on the need to preserve forests that act as carbon sinks, REDD+ is gradually emerging as a solution that is based on nature’s own time-tested ability to regulate climate change.

Within this context, COP23 participants should not forget the role forests play in the race to store carbon and slow global warming. Protecting forests is widely considered the most cost effective and reliable way to fight climate change, and this is the primary focus of REDD+. Therefore, many REDD+ related events are scheduled to be held at the side-line of this year’s UN climate change conference hosted by Fiji in Bonn, Germany.


While there are many other side events at COP23, here are some that focus on REDD+ which may interest you.

Towards a new compact on peatlands for climate protection

Nov 06, 2017 - 10:00 - 11:30 German Pavilion

Peatlands cover only 3 percent of the global terrestrial area, but stores as much carbon as the entire terrestrial biomass. Loosing this capacity for carbon sequestration means forfeiting tremendous opportunities for climate change mitigation and adaptation. While joint efforts to conserve and restore peatlands will be discussed at this session, initiatives, experiences and activities that capture peatlands potential for climate protection will also be shared.

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Collective action for peatlands restoration in Indonesia

Nov 09, 2017 - 15:00 - 17:00 Indonesia Pavilion, Bonn Zone

As an integral part of its NDCs, Indonesia is committed to reducing national emissions by as much as 29 percent (390 million tons) by 2030. An important action planned for this is to restore 2 million hectares of degraded peatlands. This event will provide an opportunity for participants to understand how the country plans to move forward with meeting this ambitious target.

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The need for local action to sustain peatlands globally

Nov 10, 2017 - 16:45 - 18:15, Meeting Room 4, Bonn Zone

Degrading peatlands contribute 5% of the total global anthropogenic emissions and increase disaster and climate risks. This side event will provide an opportunity for governments, institutions, stakeholders and partners to exchange and discuss practical examples and approaches that are advancing efforts to protect peatlands from fires, loss and degradation.

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Ride for Climate: Join UN-REDD and pro cycling team Cannondale-Drapac in a bike ride and photo opportunity

Nov 12, 2017 - 13:00, Bonn Zone

The UN-REDD Programme in collaboration with <2° – a climate initiative by the professional cycling team Cannondale-Drapac – invites you to join in for a bike ride on Sunday 12 November to put the spotlight on the role of forests as a key climate mitigation measure. Delegates are also invited to ride a stationary bike in the Bonn Zone's Exhibition Area to contribute towards the common goal of completing a virtual tour from Paris to Bonn.

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Promoting Sustainable Development in Suriname through REDD+

Nov 13, 2017 - 14:30 - 16:00, UNDP Pavilion

With 93% of its landmass covered by forest, Suriname is a biodiversity hotspot. This side event will explore how REDD+ can be an important element of Suriname’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) and a tool for sustainable management of Suriname’s natural resources. It will also highlight how logging and small-scale gold mining – the key drivers of deforestation in Suriname – can be controlled to ensure a low deforestation pathway.

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Scaling up implementation for accessing REDD+ payments

Nov 13, 2017 - 16:45 - 18:15, Room 10, Bonn Zone

This high-level joint UN-REDD Programme and World Bank Group side event will feature a town-hall style dialogue to highlight how REDD+ and other forest-focused land-use initiatives have been instrumental in triggering change at country level. The objective of the event is to explore different potential finance streams for countries, spanning from bilateral (REM) and multilateral support (through the BioCarbon Fund, GEF and GCF) to the private sector.

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The Democratic Republic of Congo in transition to results-based payments

Nov 13, 2017 - 18:30 - 20:00

DRC will introduce key aspects of its REDD+ forest reference Level at this event, and take stock of the investments mobilized to address deforestation, while considering the remaining investment gap needed to deflect emission trends.

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Integrating sustainable supply chain initiatives and REDD+ finance at the national scale

Nov 15, 2017 - 12:30 - 14:00, UNDP Pavilion

Here is a forum that showcases how front runners Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, and Ecuador are planning and implementing integrated approaches, bringing together commodity supply chain initiatives, domestic policies and finance, and international REDD+ finance, into a coherent set of policies to increase food production, reduce GHG emissions and conserve forests. The private sector will also share experiences with sustainable supply chain initiatives.

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Central African Forest Initiative: first real results from a region with enormous climate potential and under aggravating threats

Nov 16, 2017 - 9:00 - 10:30, French Pavilion

The importance of forests and land use in the climate agenda would be highlighted at this event. The program also includes the launch of a documentary film and a summary of CAFI achievements, while private sector interests in investing in Central Africa will also be outlined.

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The present and future of REDD+ implementation in Indonesia

Nov 16, 2017 - 10:30 - 12:00, Indonesia Pavilion

Different REDD+-related actors who work in Indonesia will share experiences on REDD+ readiness as well as obstacles encountered when targeting result-based payment. They will also share perspectives and ideas on actions taken by Indonesia to reach the current targets of their NDCs.

How REDD+ can contribute to achieving SDGs and delivering NDC goals: Experiences from three contrasting countries in Asia/Pacific

Nov 16, 2017 - 12:30 - 14:00, UNDP Pavilion

Myanmar, Mongolia and Papua New Guinea will present experiences on how REDD+ can achieve net reductions in GHG emissions and contribute to NDCs, while ensuring the preservation of ecosystem and the economic services provided by the forests.

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Launch of the National REDD+ Strategies for Ghana, Nigeria and Uganda

Nov 16, 2017 - 14:30 - 16:00, UNDP Pavilion

The event will focus on the REDD+ strategies of Ghana, Nigeria and Uganda. REDD+ is integrated into these countries’ NDCs, but political, strategic and financial support is needed to reduce deforestation and achieve their ambitious emissions targets.

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Mobilizing finance for forests and REDD+: the key role of national forest and REDD+ finance strategies

Nov 16, 2017 - 11:45 - 13:00, FSC International, Charles de Gaulle Straße 5, Bonn

The UN-REDD Programme, UNFF (United Nations Forum on Forest) and FOEN (Federal Office for the Environment, Swiss Confederation) are jointly organising this session to highlight the importance of effective forest and REDD+ financing strategies. While best practices for harnessing public and private finance for forests and REDD+ will be presented, national forest financing strategies from Latin American countries will be also showcased.

This session is a part of the event FOREST SOLUTIONSPUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR STRATEGIES TO REDUCE DEFORESTATION which will be held at the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Headquarters.

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