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Plant a Tree to Mark April 22 Signing of the Paris Agreement

Blog | Tue, 05 Apr, 2016 · 3 min read
Plant a Tree to Mark April 22 Signing of the Paris Agreement

Bonn/Washington DC—There is a very special day coming up and one well worth celebrating everywhere.

In New York, on April 22, governments will sign the new Paris Climate Change Agreement en route to it coming into force as millions of people around the globe mark annual Earth Day, or International Mother Earth Day.

Earth Day’s theme this year is focused on trees with the aim of mobilizing nearly eight billion plantings, or one for every man, woman and child alive by 2020—together we can maybe do it sooner!

The link between the Paris Agreement and trees is clear—forests will be key allies for combating climate change and meeting the long term goal of restoring the ecological balance of planet Earth by the second half of the century.

Trees and forests are also crucial for assisting efforts to meet the new Sustainable Development Goals given their role is absorbing carbon, cleaning and cooling the air; acting as natural water pumps to sustain river flows; stabilizing soils; recycling nutrients for agriculture and supporting habitats for wildlife to name just a few of their gifts to humanity.

So let’s get planting now, in the run up to April 22 and beyond.