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New REDD+ capacity building initiative from FAO, UN-REDD, GFOI and the University of Melbourne

Blog | Tue, 25 Oct, 2016 · 3 min read
New REDD+ capacity building initiative from FAO, UN-REDD, GFOI and the University of Melbourne

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the UN-REDD Programme, and the Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) in collaboration with the University of Melbourne are pleased to announce the launch of a new REDD+ capacity building initiative.

The initiative will focus on National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS) and Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) for REDD+ building on existing technical guidance from FAO, the UN-REDD Programme, and GFOI (Methods and Guidance Document and REDDCompass) and and the expertise of technical partners in an intensive two-week course as a module of the Master of Forest Ecosystem Science of the University of Melbourne, Australia.

Key technical topics will include:

  • UNFCCC decisions on MRV and the Warsaw Framework for REDD+,

  • The IPCC and Greenhouse Gas Inventories (GHGi),

  • National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS),

  • Forest Reference (Emission) Levels (FREL/FRL),

  • REDD+ results reporting,

  • National Forest Inventory (NFI),

  • Satellite Land Monitoring Systems (SLMS).

The initiative’s first course will be for Pacific countries[1] from 28 November to 9 December 2016 at the Creswick Campus of the School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences of the University of Melbourne. Participants have been selected and planning is advanced. (Course and travel expenses will be covered by FAO with financial support from UN-REDD, GFOI, and the Australian Government).


Contacts: Julian Fox, FAO, Tom Harvey, GFOI Office, and Chris Weston, University of Melbourne


[1] Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Fiji.