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Honduras and Peru launch new platforms to ensure REDD+ environmental safeguards

Blog | Fri, 10 Dec, 2021 · 4 min read
Honduras and Peru launch new platforms to ensure REDD+ environmental safeguards

At the UN Climate Conference happening in Glasgow (COP26), Honduras and Peru will be launching platforms that provide information on how safeguards are being addressed or respected throughout the implementation of climate change activities. The UN-REDD Programme guidance, tools and support have helped these countries to take a robust and flexible approach to meet REDD+ and other safeguards requirements..


After 10+ years of REDD+ readiness preparation, Peru is launching their Safeguards information Module – meeting a key requirement under the UNFCCC and also putting into place a technical solution to provide information on how safeguards are being addressed or respected throughout the implementation of REDD+ activities in Peru. The system was developed through a highly participative approach, with inputs from the Technical Sub-Committee on Safeguards, and from the local level through the Dialoguemos (Let’s talk) process for REDD+. This system will also help Peru to meet commitments under its Joint Declaration of Intent for REDD+, and to show to domestic and international stakeholders how it is ensuring environmental and social integrity through its REDD+ implementation.


Honduras, a country which has suffered devastating impacts from Covid-19, natural disasters and climate change in previous yearshas developed the Salvaguardas+ Platform through a Green Climate Fund and UN Environment Programme-supported project. This work has developed a unified safeguards framework – the first of its kind worldwide – for all climate change projects and programmes, to both support the environmental and social management of projects, as well as to build capacity on safeguards among key stakeholder groups. The Platform includes a Virtual Course as well as a series of tools and guidance to support environmental and social management. Honduras also held Safeguards+ Week in the run-up to COP, to share project advances and environmental and social management tools and approaches of relevance for key sectors in the country.

“I am proud to say that Honduras is the first country at the global level that has developed environmental and social safeguards [for climate change projects and programmes], defined according to national priorities”, said Honduras Minister for Environment Liliam Rivera.

More info on Honduras unified safeguards framework here.