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Celebrating UN-REDD and REDD+ Achievements in Argentina

Blog | Tue, 20 Aug, 2019 · 11 min read
 Margarita Abapillo, Indigenous peoples representative and Technical Assistant, talking about free, prior and informed consent.

This is the second part of the information related to the closure event of the National Programme of Argentina. Read Part 1 for more information

1. Strengthening the National Monitoring System of Native Forests

Through the country’s UN-REDD Programme and the continuous efforts of the National Directorate of Forests in the SAyDS as well as of other key actors (government, universities, research centers, etc.), the National Monitoring System of Native Forests was enhanced, in its design and in its three main elements: national forest inventory, satellite land monitoring system and GHG-inventory. While achieving concrete and important milestones, strengthening of technical capacities was at the base of the work approach. Main achievements include:

  • support in the development and implementation of the Second National Inventory of Native Forests, including pilots on carbon measurement;

  • support in the strengthening of the satellite monitoring system also bringing in cutting edge technologies, specific pilots (for example on fire monitoring), and introducing for the first time the evaluation of accuracy of forest cover maps;

  • support for the development and implementation of the Early Warning System on Deforestation;

  • the development of a web platform for the National Monitoring System of Native Forests, allowing for enhanced transparency of the monitoring data;

  • support for the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (Agriculture, Forestry and Land-use sector) and consistency between FREL and GHG-Inventory, following principles agreed by UNFCCC parties.

These actions made it possible to strengthen data, not only for REDD+ process, but more widely to favor enhanced decision-making, and to improve the completeness, accuracy, transparency and consistency of the data generated (as per principles and decisions of the parties under the UNFCCC REDD+ process). Thanks to this progress Argentina is ready to measure, monitor and report the reduction of emissions and is putting solid bases to report on the increase in the capture of greenhouse gases derived from the implementation of REDD+ activities, with respect to the FREL established by the country and submitted to the UNFCCC REDD+ Web Platform.

2. Development of the Safeguards Information System

Through a solid participatory processes, the National Interpretation of Safeguards (the National Interpretation of Safeguards is a technical, legal and institutional analysis of the UNFCCC safeguards for REDD+, in the specific context of Argentina) was prepared and the country achieved the agreement on its National Safeguard Approach, which also includes the Safeguards Information System (currently under development) and a toolbox to support compliance with REDD+ safeguards in the implementation of the National Action Plan on Forests and Climate Change. Special attention is given to gender equality with the objective of substantively promoting the participation and active engagement, to develop efficient public policies and to strengthen the forest management capacities of both men and women. As part of the work on safeguards, Argentina is also developing a manual with principles and tools to implement a Free, Prior and Informed Consent process for those who need to implement it in the framework of the PANByCC. As a key milestone to complete the REDD+ readiness phase, Argentina is currently preparing its Safeguards Information System as well as a Summary of Safeguards Information, which will be submitted to the UNFCCC before the end of the year.

“In the same way you would not like people to make plans about your house without consulting you, we also do not like when plans are made about the forests we live in, without consulting us. Free, prior and informed consent, therefore, is key to the implementation of REDD+ processes,” explained Margarita Abapillo, Indigenous peoples representative and Technical Assistant, adding that processes and activities should be adapted culturally for every community.


Next Steps

Even though the UN-REDD National Programme celebrated its closure event in July, the programme still remains operational until the end of 2019. The National Programme Team plans to complete the REDD+ pillars by the end of this year and start with the preparation of the REDD+ Technical Annex for submission to the UNFCCC along with the Third Biennial Update Report (BUR). Once all of this will be in place, Argentina would become eligible to apply to REDD+ results based payments schemes (for example the Pilot Programme under the Green Climate Fund), similarly to what other pioneer countries are doing.

The closure workshop offered an opportunity for inspiring exchanges also on climate finance, for example trough the experience of Chile. “The most challenging aspect today to accessing payments for results in REDD+ processes are having all reference levels defined and having a clear plan on how the benefits will be distributed,” said Jaeel Moraga Veras, Coordinator for Chile’s Cooperative Fund of Forest Carbon (CONAF). “You need a complete toolkit to be able to implement the REDD+ process at the country level, but Chile now has access to these payments, and it has been worth the effort.”

Argentina will carry on its’ “nature-based solution” work on climate change through reduced deforestation and enhancement of forest carbon stock beyond 2019. Already from now, and also with the support from UN-REDD National Programme Team, Argentina is initiating the revision and systematization of the mitigation measures of the NDC of the (native) forest sector, updating the National Action Plan on Forests and Climate Change with aspects of gender and participation, and developing a long-term strategy of low emissions for the agroforestry and forest sectors by 2050. These important efforts will contribute moving forward in the implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation commitments, complying with the ratified Paris Agreement.

For more information on REDD+ in Argentina:

Recording of the UN-REDD closure workshop within the Week of Climate Action:

Argentina’s forests in images:

Discover the differences among Argentina’s provinces through the following videos (SP):