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#77 March 2020

Newsletter | Sun, 01 Mar, 2020 · 3 min read

Welcome to our first Resource in 2020, the Super Year for Nature. We have ahead of us 10 months packed with critical milestones for people and planet. And forests, a tested, proven and available key nature-based solution with an annual 5.3 GtCO2e potential, are at the centre. In addition, as the articles show, they deliver on biodiversity conservation, water protection and improved local livelihoods - making a significant contribution to the Sustainable Development Agenda.

FAO’s Director-General Qu Dongyu , UNDP’s Administrator Achim Steiner and UNEP’s Executive Director Inger Andersen  highlight in their article the exemplary collaboration between the UN-REDD agencies in supporting Paraguay with its highly successful Green Climate Fund (GCF) results-based payment proposal and forthcoming implementation. This ONE UN effort also provides a stellar example of joining forces to respond to the call by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to build an unstoppable momentum for the SDG Decade of Action and the future we want.

As other articles underline, benefit sharing needs to begin at the grassroots. When communities have a true voice in determining how benefits from forest protection are shared, their commitment and support are dramatically increased. An outstanding community leader was the late Nobel Laureate and Green Belt Movement founder Wangari Mathai whose Day we celebrate this week. Let us find our inspiration in her tireless and brave actions to protect the forests of the world.

 “There are opportunities even in the most difficult moments.”

―  Wangari Maathai

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