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#75 September/November 2019

Newsletter | Sun, 01 Sep, 2019 · 3 min read

The devastating fires that are ravaging forests around the world are a stark warning that we are facing an emergency on a global scale. They also serve as a reminder for the urgency and importance of the UN-REDD Programme's work and experience.

The centrality of forests as a key nature-based solution to fight the climate crisis will be highlighted at the UN Secretary-General's Climate Action Summit, September 23 in New York City. Strongly increased forest action and ambition will also be a critical stopgap measure while the world transitions towards decarbonization.

In their Perspectives article "Forests: The Unsung Heroes" Mario Boccucci, Head of the UN-REDD Programme Secretariat and Zhang Guobin, Deputy Division Director, Office for Climate Change, Department of Ecological Conservation and Restoration, National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China argue how elevating the role of forests, enhancing South-South cooperation and increasing financial and technical support from developed countries will provide a vital lifeline to our planet. China, a nature-based solutions co-lead for the Climate Action Summit, has been at the forefront in terms of illustrating how forests can help tackle carbon emissions, including through extensive national tree-planting campaigns.

In the video section, don't miss the new UN-REDD Uganda video and the coverage of our events at the Global Landscapes Forum in Bonn.

Wishing you all a great month and a successful Climate Action Summit.

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