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#66 August / September 2017

Newsletter | Tue, 01 Aug, 2017 · 2 min read

In the Perspectives section of this edition of The REDD+ Resource, Executive Director of UN Environment Erik Solheim explains how outdated subsidies on agricultural commodities act as 'invisible bulldozers of forests' in many developing countries.

You can also find other interesting stories on the value of boreal forests, economic opportunities of sustainable forest management, and the way legal instruments are being established to sustain National Forest Monitoring Systems.

Three articles highlight Ecuador's REDD+ related progress: the publication of the country's first summary of safeguards information; its technical report on the analysis of REDD+ results; and the Green Climate Fund's maiden transfer of funds for national REDD+ related activities.

Browsing down, you can see how changes in forest areas are being estimated more efficiently and how countries are making progress in reporting REDD+ actions to the UNFCCC. Along with this, you can also find news from UN-REDD Programme partner countries, publications, jobs, videos, and much more.

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