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#21 August 2011

Newsletter | Mon, 01 Aug, 2011 · 4 min read

Critical support to UN-REDD Programme partner countries took a very important step forward this month, when the UN-REDD Programme Policy Board endorsed the UN-REDD Global Programme Framework document. In doing so, the Policy Board approved a Global Programme Framework which tackles the critical areas of REDD+, including how REDD+ can connect broader social, environmental and economic development strategies.

Read more on the Global Programme Framework document in our News section of this month’s newsletter.

Key to achieving this endorsement was the major engagement between the UN-REDD Programme agencies (FAO, UNDP and UNEP) and partner countries to understand their needs and expectations. The final product represents a very serious effort to address all comments by Policy Board members and demonstrates the extent to which the Programme is committed to supporting country-led efforts.

With this endorsement, the UN-REDD Programme can now deliver robust and targeted support to partner countries as well contribute to global efforts to develop technical and normative approaches and methodologies in areas such as safeguards and MRV as defined in the Cancun set of agreements. Activities under the Global Programme directly support partner countries in the design of their national REDD+ strategies that can be presented to the UN-REDD Programme Policy Board for additional financial and technical support through UN-REDD National Programmes. In this way, the UN-REDD Global and National Programmes work hand-in-hand to ensure that partner countries are receiving the support they need to lead the development of their REDD+ strategies.

This need for capacity development support has never been greater within the UN-REDD Programme, which now has 35 partner countries. Thirteen of these countries are receiving direct support to the National Programmes they’ve presented and had approved by the Programme’s Policy Board. If the UN-REDD Programme is to continue meeting the needs of partner countries, increased funding for both Global and National Programmes will be essential. We look forward to working with current and new donors to ensure that all UN-REDD Programme partner countries have the resources they need to fully realize the potential environmental and livelihood benefits of REDD+.


Yemi Katerere

Head of the UN-REDD Programme Secretariat

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