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This is the opposite of an emission of greenhouse gas and occurs when greenhouse gases are removed from the atmosphere, for example, by trees during the process of photosynthesis.


"Glossary and Abbreviations", Barnsley, Ingrid, United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNUIAS) 2009, "UNUIAS Guide, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD): A Guide for Indigenous Peoples." January 2009.

Alternative definition

(Annual) removals that generate revenue for the owner of the forest or other wooded land or trees outside the forest. They refer to "Volume Actually Commercialized" (VAC), i.e. volume under-bark actually cut and removed from the forest. This volume may include wood for industrial purposes (e.g. sawlogs, veneer logs, etc.) and for local domestic use (e.g. rural uses for construction). Includes: removals during the given reference period of trees felled during an earlier period and removal of trees killed or damaged by natural causes (natural losses), e.g. fire, wind, insects and diseases.

Alternative source

Совместный вопросник по сектору лесного хозяйства – определения, Евростат/ФАО/МОТД/ЕЭК ООН, 2016 год (