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Plan Vivo


A land-management plan for a specified piece of land, drawn-up by a smallholder or community group, incorporating one or more of the project interventions.


Glossary. "Plan Vivo Standard 2012 Draft for Consultation". 2012…

Alternative definition

With growing awareness of the problem of climate change, governments, industries and other organisations are seeking ways of reducing their emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Quantified reductions in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from project-based activities, so-called carbon credits, may be used to help offset emissions.Through the Plan Vivo System the purchase of such carbon credits not only helps to mitigate climate change but can help communities in developing countries invest in their own future therefore contributing to poverty reduction. Managing carbon in terrestrial ecosystems also has an important role in adapting to climate change, creating more resilient ecosystems and promoting biodiversity through planting and protecting native forests.

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