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Registro de datos útiles para la toma de decisiones en relación a REDD+ y sus beneficios múltiples

Fri, 08 Oct, 2010

Efforts related to REDD+ in Bolivia are a component of the overall national strategy on forests and climate change. A UN-REDD Programme mission to Bolivia in 2010 identified a widespread enthusiasm for incorporating consideration of the ecosystem-derived multiple benefits of REDD+ into decision making. Stakeholders highlighted the existence of relevant work and datasets on biodiversity, ecosystem services and other factors that have been produced by many different players. They felt that overview of existing datasets would help to clarify what data exists and is held by whom, and so enhance collaboration and reduce the potential for duplicating effort.

This metadata directory has been collated to address this need. It offers an initial overview of existing datasets relevant to REDD+ and multiple benefits, along with the appropriate and available metadata. The directory includes the information that was accessible on each dataset, its format and the methods used to generate it, as well as on its current location and custodian. It is annotated with suggestions of potential uses for each dataset in the context of decision making for REDD+. The directory has been populated through dialogues with stakeholders contacted during the mission, metadata received from colleagues in Bolivia and additional research by UNEP-WCMC.

The metadata directory still contains gaps, and additions or corrections are very welcome; please contact with your suggestions.

Access to this type of metadata is a first essential step to providing appropriate information to support decision making. We hope that it facilitates effective collaborations among stakeholders on important new analyses to help safeguard and enhance the ecosystem-derived benefits of REDD+.

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