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REDD+ Academy Learning Journal Edition Two (2017)_complete ENGLISH

Sun, 22 Nov, 2015

To support continued learning both during the REDD+ Academy training sessions and beyond, the UN-REDD Programme developed the REDD+ Academy Learning Journals. Addressing twelve key topics[1] in REDD+, the Learning Journals are a coherent bundle of introductory information, detailed accounts and learning exercises designed to build capacity for REDD+ throughout the world.

The Journals walk learners through the landscape of REDD+, from the carbon cycle and drivers of deforestation to approaches to finance and stakeholder engagement. The Journals also explore technical issues, such as the establishment of national forest monitoring systems and processes to address REDD+ safeguards.

Designed to be used either as a complete course or as individual modules depending on the learners’ interest, the REDD+ Academy Journals offer a level of comprehensiveness and flexibility that matches the diverse needs of REDD+ practitioners.

[1] The twelve modules of the REDD+ Academy Learning Journal are: Forests, carbon sequestration and climate change; REDD+ and the UNFCCC; Drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation; National Strategies and Action Plans; National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS); Forest Reference (Emission) Levels (FREL/FRLs); Policies and Measures; REDD+ Safeguards; REDD+ Finance; Allocation of Incentives; Public Awareness & Stakeholder Engagement; Good Governance.


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