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Peatlands – guidance for climate change mitigation by conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable use

Tue, 29 May, 2012

This publication provides information on management and finance options to achieve emissions reductions and enhance other vital ecosystem services from peatlands.

Peatlands drainage and peat fires are responsible for almost one-quarter of carbon emissions from the land use sector. This report is a good handbook for policy makers, technical audiences and others interested in peatlands. A decision support tree guides through opportunities for both cultivated and uncultivated peatlands. Methodologies and data available for quantifying GHG emissions from peatlands and organic soils are summarized and practical solutions are given concerning measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) and accounting. Country-specific case studies illustrate the problems, solutions and opportunities of peatland management. Feedbackor input to this first edition is very welcome!

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