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OECD - Promoting Biodiversity CoBenefits in REDD

Sat, 12 Dec, 2009


The OECD has just released a report on Promoting Biodiversity Co-Benefits in REDD.


Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) in developing countries is a new financial mechanism being proposed under the UNFCCC to help mitigate climate change, and can also provide biodiversity co-benefits. This report examines REDD design elements with possible implications for biodiversity, how biodiversity co-benefits in REDD can be promoted and maximised at the implementation level, and highlights how additional biodiversity incentives can be layered with REDD to target biodiversity benefits directly.


This report builds on an OECD workshop on "Incentives to Capture the Carbon and Biodiversity Benefits for Reducing Deforestation: Linkages, Synergies and Limitations" held on March 26, 2008.


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