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Joint FCPF/UN-REDD Programme Guidance Note for REDD+ Countries: Establishing and Strengthening Grievance Redress Mechanisms

Wed, 27 May, 2015

This Information Note was developed jointly by the UN-REDD Programme and the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility. 

The introduction of REDD+ in participating countries is likely to have a significant impact on the dynamics of conflicts over forest resources, and on land, oil, gas, minerals and other valuable resources in forested areas. The purpose of this Guidance Note is to help countries strengthen their capacity for grievance resolution in order to respond to contentious issues, complaints and disputes.

A national feedback and grievance redress mechanism needs to be effectively available, and if necessary strengthened, as part of the country's REDD+ institutional arrangements. Such a mechanism needs to be available to REDD+ stakeholders from the earliest stages of Readiness implementation in order to facilitate handling of any request for feedback or complaint by any REDD+ Readiness stakeholders, with particular attention to providing access to geographically, culturally or economically isolated or excluded groups.

This note proposes an approach to strengthening in-country capacity for grievance resolution activities to be carried out during the REDD+ Readiness phase.


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