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DEPI-ROLAC Activity narrative report for the UN-REDD National Joint Programme in Paraguay, especially to the realization of multiple benefits and options for design of REDD+ (scenario analysis)

Fri, 18 Sep, 2015


This ICA will result in the delivery of all outputs for which UNEP has responsibility as stated in the NJP Paraguay. These include

  •  Legal and regulatory issues are incorporated into the design and implementation of policies for REDD+;
  •  Analysis of past and expected land use changes completed;
  •  Analysis of costs of REDD+ completed;
  •  Identification of options (scenarios) that include the realization of multiple benefits from REDD+ completed;
  •  Identification of complementary (transformational) policies that can increase the environmental and social benefits from a REDD+ programme completed;
  •  A REDD+ strategy for Paraguay developed in collaboration with UNDP and FAO, including reference emission scenarios.


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