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DEPI-ROLAC Activity narrative report for the regional support on the overall management implementation and supervision of the UNEP/REDD portfolio in Latin America and the Caribbean

Fri, 18 Sep, 2015

The ICA seeks to support the overall management and supervision of the UNEP/REDD portfolio in Latin America and the Caribbean

  •  Management, supervision and monitoring of NPs in Argentina, Colombia, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay and Ecuador;
  • Management, supervision and monitoring of Targeted Supports in Chile (Finance), Costa Rica (Safeguards and Finance), Mexico (Safeguards), Panama (Finance) and Peru (Finance and Multiple Benefits);
  • Organization of one regional coordination meeting among UNEP/REDD staff located in LAC, country focal points, UNEP/WCMC and UNEP-FI.
  • Organization of a REDD+ Academy workshop in LAC;
  •  Participation in regional/national technical meetings/workshops as required;
  • Summary publication of results obtained in the last 5 years in LAC in the areas of multiple benefits, spatial planning, costs of REDD, estimated revenues of REDD and others.

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