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DEPI -ROAP Semi-annual report for Sri Lanka UN-REDD National Programme

Fri, 18 Sep, 2015

This ICA will deliver all outputs for which UNEP has responsibility from January 2015 until the end of December 2015.  These outputs will be:

  • A report of target groups for communication and awareness raising, with a particular focus on their needs and interests;
  • A fully functional communication network with development partners for increased coordination and collaboration;
  • A communication strategy and plan for the different target groups (identified under a) and its initial implementation;
  • Fully functional REDD+ website that is regularly (at least once a week) updated and a media platform, with links to the media unit of the Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy;
  • At least one short video documentary on REDD+ and other related issues in Sri Lanka;
  • Periodic National Programme newsletters and at least three articles to the global UN-REDD Programme newsletters;
  • Evaluation report for Communications activities;
  • A report on the consultation workshop on the safeguards assessment work with UNDP;
  • Communications materials (e.g. infographics, brochures, flyers, etc.) and required studies on green economy and REDD+ in Sri Lanka;
  • Monthly progress/activity reporting by the Communications Officer to the National Programme Director and Manager (a total of 10 reports from March to December, subject to change if the recruitment delays).

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