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Benefits and Risks Tool (BeRT) v2.1: Workshop Kit. Facilitators’ Guide

Thu, 25 May, 2017

Benefits and Risks Tool (BeRT) v2.1: Workshop Kit. Facilitators’ Guide

The UN-REDD Programme Benefits and Risks Tool (BeRT) supports REDD+ countries to assess the social and environmental benefits and risks associated with candidate Policies and Measures (PAMs) and analyse how existing policies, laws and regulations (PLRs) could ensure that the REDD+ safeguards agreed under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are addressed and respected. This facilitators’ guide supports the application of the BeRT in a workshop setting. Building on version 2.0 of the original Excel-based tool, the guide and accompanying worksheets provide targeted advice for the documentation of possible PAMs, the identification of those PAMs’ associated benefits and risks, and the analysis of PLRs that address the safeguards. The guide is aimed at facilitators of benefits and risks assessment or PLR analysis workshops, and is designed as a reference to help plan and execute such workshops. The guide also provides links to workshop materials. Work undertaken to meet requirements of specific funding mechanisms (e.g. the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility’s Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) or experiences from REDD+ pilot projects or forest-related projects and initiatives pre-dating REDD+ may provide useful inputs to this exercise.

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