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Applying the Principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent in the UN-REDD Programme in Viet Nam (full-length document)

Tue, 26 Jul, 2011

A 55-page report on applying FPIC in Viet Nam, publshed in August 2010 by UN-REDD. Explains FPIC, how it is applied in Viet Nam in an 8-step process. The report goes into detail for each of the following eight steps: (1) District, Commune and Village Level Awareness Raising,(2) Recruitment of Iterlocutors, (3) Interlocutor Training, (4) Village Meeting Preparation, (5) Conducting village meetings, (6) Recording of decision, (7) Documentation and Reporting, and (8) Verification and Evaluation.  The end of the report discloses the complete resuls for the pilot FPIC exercise in Lam Ha and Di Linh districts.  

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