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 Working Together to Save Myanmar’s Forests

Economic opportunities and sustainable management of natural forests in Viet Nam

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In Mongolia, better forests depends on better livelhoods

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A path to sustainable cocoa and forest restoration in Côte d’Ivoire

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Greening Viet Nam’s Coffee Supply Chain

Uganda: It takes a village to map a forest

The Mabira is a rainforest area covering about 300 square kilometres, home to many endangered species like the primate Lophocebus ugandae, a species of Old World monkey found only in Uganda. It is one of the biggest reserves in the country. The UN-REDD Programme is supporting the Uganda National Forest Authority (NFA) in establishing an effective National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) to track and report forest changes and to curb deforestation in the Mabira and beyond.

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Forest path in the Community of Shawi San Jose, Peru, where indigenous peoples are leading efforts to define their land rights to better protect their forests and their way of life.

Panama's indigenous monitoring technicians

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Marking 10 years of action for forests and climate change